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Song Chuan was founded in 1974 which is the Chinese year of Tiger. The cartoon tiger, A-Hou had been patterned also as Song Chuan trademark, is the image of Song Chuan.

The symbolic significances of A-Hou:
Tiger is the King of the animals as he is fast-moving, active, ambitious, and aggressive. With more than 35 years of professional experiences and with the spirit of enterprising, innovative, and substantial, Song Chuan hopes to be a leading company of Relay Industries and to be Forever Prosperous & Keep Growth, the symbolic meaning of Song for Pine and Chuan for River in Chinese.

Name A-Huo
SEX Male
Birth daty June 1
Birth Place TAIWAN
Characters enthusiastic, optimistic, fast-moving, aggressive, enterprising, considerate, and self-confident.
Features Tiger, King of the animals Big head, Intelligent, Considerate Big eyes, Enterprising, Devotion, Youth, Ambitious, Aggressive Big Stomach, Substantial, Productive.

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