Policy of Corporate Social Responsibility

Song Chuan’s managing concepts rely on that “honesty, thorough, and best services to customers; respect humanity and take good care of all employees; to be the leader through innovation; pursuing perfection and to be everlasting.” Based on the above ideas, we shoulder the reasonable corporate social responsibility. Upon the time of pursuing the enterprise growth, we strive to maintain social benefit and sustainable development of eco-environmental balance at the same time. Song Chuan (including our subsidiaries and affiliates) promise and declare to promote Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and establish the relevant implementation method as well as periodical review in order to fully carry out the responsible business alliance (RBA). We also highly respect and strong support to the Basic Human Rights of International Conventions, including “ UNITED NATIONS UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS “ , “ UNITED NATIONS GLOBAL COMPACT ”, and “ UNITED NATIONS INTERNATIONAL LABOR ORGANIZATION “, etc. for every convention’s principle and essence to eliminate any behavior of violation on the Human Rights and clearly to reveal that all employees must be treated with fairness and respect.

Code of Conduct-Responsible Business Alliance, RBA

Our company is committed to follow RBA norms:

1. Our company respect human rights of all employees, including formal staff, short-term worker, part-timer, intern, and any other type of workers. Also, we guarantee to comply with the following criteria: To allow workers to choose their own duties of their own free will, not to use child labor, protect female worker’s rights and health, not to discriminate workers, forbid any inhuman treatment, worker’s wage/welfare/ working hours conforming to local laws, and worker’s freedom of association.

2. Our company provide healthful and safety working environment for workers including labor’s occupational safety, emergency preparedness plan, management of occupational injury and disease, control of dangerous source, evaluation and management of the effects to the labors required specific physical strength, hazard assessment on machines, public hygiene maintenance, and clean working places.

3. Our company take responsibility of protecting environment and do our best to reduce the adverse influence on society, environment, and natural resources during our manufacturing process. At the same time, we protect public health and safety and guarantee to achieve following standards: To acquire necessary environmental approval and report, prevent pollution and conserve resource, control of handling procedures for chemical & hazardous substances/waste water/solid waste/air emission, and abide by the relevant laws and rules of product content control.

4. Our company adhere to the highest ethical requirements inclusive of business integrity, no improper revenue, disclosure of information about business and financial status according to the applicable laws, obey anti-corruption legislation such as Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) during trading process, respect intellectual property rights. Execute standard of fair trading advertisement and competition, offer anonymous tip-off procedure to protect reporter’s confidentiality, take responsible attitude when purchasing minerals, protect personal information in business correspondence, follow the related laws & rules of privacy and information security and establish protection procedure so as to prevent revenge.

5. Our company set up related managing system including promise on social environment responsibility policy, make sure managing duties and regular check, monitor and comprehend applicable laws and customer’s requirements, establish risk assessment and risk management flow, set improving target and perform periodic evaluation, make training plan, set up the communication procedure with employees.

Non-use of conflict minerals

Song Chuan warrant ourselves and our suppliers do not use material of conflict minerals from high risk regions confirmed by RBA and by customers. Also, the metals our material contained are complied with regulations of DRC Conflict-Free. Based on the 3TG strategy and guidance from conflict-free purchasing organization (Conflict-Free Sourcing Initiative, CFSI), we thoroughly investigate and evaluate suppliers’ all materials and their supply chains to ensure these kinds of metals such as tantalum (Ta), tin (Sn), tungsten (W), gold (Au), and Cobalt (Co) or their derivatives are not from high risk regions as well as not directly or indirectly supply fund or benefits to the armed groups in the Democratic Republic of the Congo or its neighboring countries or areas. However, the conflict-free mines in the other areas cannot be restricted. Our company definitely asks our suppliers to follow the policies and measures as mentioned above.

Our company adapt the standardized report template (CMRT) made by conflict-free purchasing organization to investigate our material suppliers for 3TG and be devoted to investigating all metallic material suppliers. Furthermore, we push their declared smelters to pass RMI or other related international certifications so as to ensure their companies to meet the social responsibility requirements of conflict-free minerals in the supply chain.

Request for suppliers

In addition that Song Chuan warrant to adapt the strictest standard for self-discipline, we also push supplier to follow social responsibility. To refer to RBA, related laws, regulations, and customer’s request, we set up supplier’s social responsibility management procedure and use multiple channels for disseminating social responsibility policies and rules/ laws to suppliers. According to the results of mentioned above, we do the social responsibility conformance review on new suppliers and on major suppliers from the aspects of labor, human rights, ethic, and environment so as to promote all suppliers to fullfill requirements of social responsibility.

Song Chuan and our all cooperated partners keep on promoting Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). If you have any suggestion or question, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Official website: http://www.songchuan.com
Tip-off email: sct102m@songchuan.com.tw